
A few words About Me

Traci is an on fire, sold out believer in Jesus Christ. Her passion is to bring people into the Kingdom of God, to see them saved, healed, and set free from all demonic bondage and torment in Jesus name! Her vision is to see believers filled with the fire, power, and authority of the Holy Spirit, walking out in boldness their God-given assignments to share the Gospel with the world and rise up as the army that they are to stand against the kingdom of darkness.


The Vision

Aristotle had a word that he used in philosophy to describe the principle of when something realizes, or makes actual, what is otherwise merely potential. That word is “entelechy” (from the Greek entelecheia). Many people are walking around today longing for entelechy without realizing it. They want to live up to their full potential, and if they are believers, there is a desire to fulfill their God-given role on this earth.

To be perfectly honest, that was me. For So. Many. Years. I ministered to the body of Christ as a child, traveling around the United States singing and dancing with my family–an extension of my mother who was a recording artist. But when I left for university, our time of family music ministry seemed to come to an end. As an adult, I was struggling to find, much less fulfill, my God-given purpose.

And then I learned this truth: The only way to accomplish entelechy and move from desire to doing, from potential to actualization, is not by seeking “purpose,” but by seeking Jesus alone, and learning to walk by the Spirit of God. My goal is to help you understand how to do exactly that–how to move towards Christ until you have that one encounter with Him that changes everything. The one that happened to me. The one that takes you from a lukewarm attitude towards the things of God, to an ON-FIRE, bold, all-you-can-think-about disciple of Jesus Christ for the rest of your life. He did it for me, and He’ll do it for you, too.

So the vision is this: a fire that starts another fire, that starts another fire...  

“Remember, the fire must be kept burning on the altar at all times. It must never go out.” -‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭6‬:‭13‬ ‭

Explore My Blog!

A writer from the time I was a young girl, including notes in a diary before I could properly spell, all the way to creative stories, songs and poetry, I am excited to share in written word the thoughts, instructions, and encouragement the Lord brings.

Not only will you receive answers to common Christian struggles and questions, but the Blog will also serve as a place where I share my prophetic dreams, visions, and words for the body of Christ as the Lord instructs me.  

Leveraging the power of the digital realm, Traci has achieved remarkable online success by the grace of God, captivating a global audience through her inspiring videos, thought-provoking content, and engaging social media presence.

Traci's online success is a testament to her obedience to the Holy Spirit, submission to godly mentorship, and ability to connect deeply with individuals worldwide, as she shares her message of freedom in Christ, fostering a virtual community built on encouragement, challenge, and growth.

Through her online endeavors, Traci has created a thriving platform where she shares the gospel, imparts wisdom, and empowers others to embark on their own walks with the Holy Spirit, making a lasting impact in the digital space.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17


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